Conference to summarize the work year, entitled “Restorative Justice,” led by the President of the Technion (June 2023)
Annual conference entitled “Restorative Justice,” during which the previous year’s report on the topic of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Technion and outreach activities in the field were presented.
The conference was led by the President of the Technion, senior officials, and international guests, and was followed by a discussion and dialogue on the topic.

Wednesday Afternoon – Poetry Slam Event (November 2022)
3 poets and and a musician in spoken word performances, street poetry, confessions, and monologues. At the event, information and discussion booths were set up by the Al-Ssiwar Association, ASLI – Israel White Ribbon Organization, the Haifa Rape Crisis Center and the Commission for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Technion.

Conference: Brainstorming on the Topic of a Respectful Climate and Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Technion (June 2022)
A conference centered around the prevention of sexual harassment and creating a respecful climate at the Technion, in collaboration with faculty members, administrators, and guests representing other entities that deal with the issue at other academic institutions.
The meeting was aimed at raising new and old ideas for preventing sexual harassment on campus and creating a respectful climate for everyone. Before beginning to discuss this goal, we heard about what is being done at the Hebrew University, MIT, and the “Kalma” communities (Community for the Prevention of Sexual and Gender Harassment).

Lectures by Adv. Tamar Gutgold-Cohen and the Coordinator for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Lectures regarding various student populations – given to faculty heads and deputy heads, event supervisors in the Student Association, employees of the pre-academic preparation program, etc.

Refresher and Training Day for the Commission Staff and Coordinators for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (March 2022)
A refresher day, led by the Haifa Rape Crisis Center, in which advanced training was provided to the Commission staff and coordinators, and the previous year’s activity highlights and report were presented.