Our Team
How to contact us and who to contact?
Any person of the Technion (as defined previously), if they have been harmed, or if they suspect or have heard a rumor of sexual harassment or prejudicial treatment stemming from sexual harassment are encouraged and requested to report or submit a complaint about it in writing (via email) or verbally (by phone or an in-person meeting) to one of the commissioners or coordinators, based on the informant’s preference.
The Commission and Coordinators are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of informants and complainants, in accordance with their preferences and in accordance with the law.
Commission Team

Prof. Tali Alon Mozes
Central Commissioner (Training and Outreach, Handles Complaints)

Dr. Anat Illivitzki
Commissioner for the Faculty of Medicine

Liat Azar Yehuda
Coordinator of Outreach and Training for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment

Michal Bar Haim
Technion Research and Development Foundation